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Ukraine Decreases Its National Debt in July

Tuesday, 28 August 2018 16:42

The aggregate state direct and guaranteed debt of Ukraine in July fell by 0.7%, or by $0.6 billion, to $75.7 billion, as evidenced by by the data of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

At the same time, in the hryvnia equivalent, the state debt at the end of July increased by 1.4% to 2 trillion 25.7 billion UAH against 1 trillion 998 billion UAH a month earlier.

The total amount of direct state debt as of July 31 amounted to 1 trillion 750.4 billion UAH ($ 65.4 billion) against 1 trillion 732.1 billion UAH ($ 66.1 billion) a month earlier.

At the same time, for one month, the direct foreign debt declined by about $1 million to $37.5 billion, while the direct domestic debt - by 2.8 billion UAH to 746.7 billion UAH (in dollar terms - up to $ 27.9 billion).

The state-guaranteed debt as of July 31 was 275.3 billion UAH, or $ 10.3 billion.

It should be reminded that in June 2018, Ukraine's national debt rose to $ 76.3 billion.

In 2017, the state and state-guaranteed debt of Ukraine for 2017 grew by 7.5%, or $ 5.3 billion, to $ 76.3 billion in dollar terms. In 2016, Ukraine's total national debt increased from $ 65.5 to $ 70.9 billion.

Earlier it was reported that the national debt of Ukraine was tested on five "shock" scenarios. The Ministry of Finance has studied five alternative options that could negatively affect the gross financing needs or the amount of public debt. The first scenario Currency Shock provides for the hryvnia devaluation by 20% during 2018 in comparison with the exchange rate of 30.1 UAH / $. Also, the Ministry of Finance tested Interest Rate Shock, GDP Down Growth Shock, Primary Balance Shock. The fifth and final scenario Contingent Liabilities Shock provides that the resilience of the fiscal sector may worsen due to over-fulfillment risks.

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