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Draft State Budget Will Be Brought into Verkhovna Rada until September 15 – Rozenko

Friday, 31 August 2018 17:01

The Cabinet of Ministers will submit a draft state budget for 2019 to the Verkhovna Rada until September 15, as stipulated by the current legislation, Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Rozenko stated, his press service reported.

"Last year, for the first time in the history of independence, the government provided the constitutional representation of the full budget to the Verkhovna Rada until September 15. I am convinced that this year, on September 15, the government will submit the draft state budget to the Verkhovna Rada", he said.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, a significant portion of the state budget will be used to further strengthen the country's defense capability and increase the financial support for servicemen.

"This is our duty - and we will fulfill it", he said.

Rosenko also noted that the economic situation and the level of economic growth give grounds to say that next year will continue to increase social standards.

"I can already say for sure that from January 1, 2019, both the minimum wage and the amount of pensions will grow," he said.

According to him, the state budget for 2019 budget will be socially focused and at the same time real.
"The budget will be truthful, there will not be inflated figures," the Deputy Prime Minister summed up.

Recall that the deficit of the state budget of Ukraine in January-July 2018 amounted to 13.4 billion hryvnia, while last year the state budget for this period was reduced to a surplus of 27 billion hryvnia.

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