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Groisman Appoints Official, Suspected of Corruption, as SFS Head

Monday, 10 September 2018 16:33

Law enforcement officers suspect Alexander Vlasov of involvement in corruption schemes at the Odessa customs.

Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman appointed Alexander Vlasov as Acting Head of the State Fiscal Service. Law enforcers suspect Vlasov of involvement in corruption schemes at the Odessa customs, TSN Week reports.

At the time of investigation, Vlasov was dismissed from the post of Head of Odessa customs.
Last month, the investigators discovered that the criminal group organized theft of 37 containers with bonded goods, amounting to about 160 million hryvnias. The stolen goods were found - these are fabrics and agricultural machinery, the goods were already dispersed in several large cities by that time. The case received wide publicity, first of all, because of the volume of stolen goods.

The main suspect Denis Aminev, who jointly with Head of the Customs Post organized theft of the goods, was arrested. At the moment, he is in the detention facility.

The veterans of the customs service emphasize that such operations are impossible without concealment by senior executives of the customs.

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