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Ukraine Will not Apply for Entering EU and Will Fulfill Association Agreement

Thursday, 20 September 2018 16:55

The Government of Ukraine does not consider it necessary to file application for accession to the European Union and will focus on the implementation of the Association Agreement, General Director of the Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishina stated during her speech at the Association Forum in Kiev, the correspondent of the European Truth reports.

Stephanishina reminded that the Association Agreement does not mention the prospects of Ukraine's membership in the EU, and the same applies to Moldova and Georgia. "None of our countries has (officially recognized) the prospects of EU membership, but of course, we are striving for rapprochement with the EU", she said.

"We decided that before we write a letter (with the application) for accession to the European Union, we must implement the Association Agreement," Stefanishina said, explaining that this is a line that the government officially adheres to.

The head of the government office further admitted in the discussion that in certain issues Ukraine does not keep pace with the progress expected by the European partners.

"We always do "tomorrow" what we should have been done "yesterday", - she joked.

It should be reminded that President Poroshenko registered in the Verkhovna Rada a draft amendment to the Constitution on the desire to integrate Ukraine into NATO and the European Union. To amend the Constitution, a minimum of 300 votes in the parliament is required.

On September 20, the Verkhovna Rada intends to consider amendments to the Constitution regarding Ukraine's intentions to join the European Union and NATO.

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