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Head of Ukrzaliznytsia States about Main Threat of Company’s Bankruptcy

Monday, 08 October 2018 16:32

CEO of Ukrzaliznytsia Yevgeny Kravtsov does not object to launching the private traction, but insists on doing it “rightly”, otherwise it will become a direct threat to the company’s bankruptcy, Kravtsov said during interview with Liga.net.

"This issue must be resolved. Before allowing the private traction, we must admit that UZ is actually losing some of its income. Let's talk about it directly and openly", Kravtsov said.

He explained that by launching the private traction, UZ would be taken away and would be given into the private hands of “one of the key sources of income”, while all expenses would remain the same.

“This is a direct path to financial collapse and bankruptcy”, CEO of Ukrzaliznytsia stressed.

According to him, without resolving the issue of financing the passenger transportation and excessive infrastructure, it is “strategically wrong to decide on the admission of private traction”.

“I have said many times that from the viewpoint of the market development, I do not object to launching the private traction. But it must be entered correctly,” Kravtsov concluded.

Earlier, Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman said that the Cabinet of Ministers is considering the possibility of deregulation in the field of cargo railway traction in order to allow private businesses to work on the roads of Ukrzaliznytsia.

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