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State Ecological Inspection Was Charged with Inflicting $200 Mln Damages to Business

Friday, 12 October 2018 16:38

The European Business Association stated that due to illegal actions of the State Ecological Inspection, the business loses up to 200 million dollars per year, and encouraged to approve the procedure checks, the representatives of EBA Logistics Committee inform, the Economic Truth reports.

The State Ecological Inspection continues to conduct unauthorized inspections in seaports of Ukraine, according to the Association.

Such actions lead to unreasonable detentions, breaches of export contracts, cause significant financial damages for companies and harm Ukraine’s reputation, according to the Association.

The message says that the employees of the State Ecological Inspection continue to demand collecting samples of the isolated ballast of the ship for the laboratory analysis with a view to presence of contaminants. Meanwhile, currently, the State Ecological Inspection does not have legal instruments either for selecting water samples and analyzing them, or for accruing losses.

Thus, the previous statutory and regulatory acts, regulating the said questions, were cancelled; but new procedures for conducting inspections and accruing the amount of compensation were still not accepted and are being developed.

Despite that, such actions continue, causing concern among international partners and inflicting the business 200-mln-dollar losses, according to the estimated of some member companies of the Committee.

In addition, even after approving the Law №2530-VIII (on introducing “single window”) many other issues, related to the activities of the State Ecological Inspection, remain unregulated; therefore, the experts of the Association developed a package of amendment to regulatory acts, which should deregulate the field and help regulate the situation in the legal field.

EBA encouraged the State Ecological Inspection not to conduct inspections for approving respective procedures, regulating their implementation.

The Association sent its proposals in the email to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman and Chairman of the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine Ksenia Lyapina.

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