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IMF Specifies Recipe of Economic Success of Ukraine

Thursday, 25 October 2018 16:55

The implementation of reforms and the balanced macroeconomic policy will lead Ukraine to the economic success, Permanent Representative of IMF in Ukraine Goesta Ljungman said, ET reports.

According to him, the preservation of achieved macroeconomic stability is required for the growth and prosperity of Ukraine.

“A good macroeconomic policy for the last four years helped to decrease economic disproportions and bring Ukraine’s economy out of the difficult recession. The Central Bank makes every effort to focus on decreasing inflation and ensuring the external balance. The Government successfully reduced the budget deficit, the public debt also started decreasing”, - Ljungman emphasized.

He also noted the structural reforms, which started in 2014, including the reforms of financial and energy sectors as well as the creation of anticorruption institutions.

Ljungman stressed the importance of continuing these reforms for strengthening the economy and attracting necessary investments.

“The last four years demonstrated that Ukraine is moving in the right direction”, he added.

Reportedly, during the session on October 19, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the decision to raise gas prices for the population by 23% from November 1, 2018, so that Ukraine can obtain IMF loan.

After CMU’s decision regarding the gas price increase, IMF promulgated the statement, according to which the International Monetary Fund and Ukraine reached agreement on a new 14-month program of supporting the economic stand-by policy, which will replace the Extended Financial Facility, expiring in March 2019.

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