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Ukraine Borrows Other $2 Bln – Mass Media

Friday, 26 October 2018 16:33

The amount of placement of 5-year tranche of eurobonds of Ukraine will be $750 mln, 10-year - $1.25 bln, the banking source reported to Interfax.

Therefore, Ukraine placed eurobonds for $2 bln.

The profitability of 5-year tranche (it is “long”, with maturity in February 2024) was 9% per annum, 10-year – 9.75%. The initial benchmark was equal to about 9.25% and about 10% respectively.

The other source added that the coupon rate under five-year eurobonds is set at 8.99% per annum, 10-year – 9.75% per annum.

The amount of order book was $4.9 bln.

It should be reminded that BNP Paribas, Citi, Goldman Sachs и J.P. Morgan are the organizers of issue of eurobonds of Ukraine. Ukraine plans to allocate funds for placement for reimbursement of issue of eurobonds- 2019, amounting to $725 mln as well as general budget targets.

In September 2017, Ukraine placed 15-year eurobonds for $3 bln with the profitability of 7.37%. BNP Paribas, Citi, Goldman Sachs и J.P. Morgan were the organizers. Along with placement of a new issue, the Ministry of Ukraine purchased eurobonds with maturity in 2019 and 2020, totaling almost $1.6 bln.

The last year’s deal became the first market placement for Ukraine since 2013. In 2014-2016, Ukraine annually placed 5-year eurobonds, amounting $1 bln, debt securities were guaranteed by U.S. that allowed the country to borrow at record low rates.

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