The state-owned PrivatBank launched the mortgage program for entrepreneurs and business. The bank offers to take commercial and residential property on credit for using for commercial purposes, the press office of Privatbank reported.
The mortgage provides for payment of up to 75% of the cost of property through loan funds.
“For entrepreneurs and small business, Privatbank is ready to finance the purchase of commercial property, amounting to UAH 5 ths (shops, warehouses, bases) as well as residential property for using for commercial purposes”, the message says.
In addition, the clients buy on credit the property, owned by the bank.
On December 18, 2016, the Cabinet of Ministers approved decision on the state entering into Privatbank’s capital.
According to this decision, the state represented by the Ministry of Finance became the owner of 100% shares, and Privatbank increased its capital by UAH 116.8 bln.
On July 3, 2017, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine decided to increase Privatbank’s capital by other UAH 38.6 bln. The first tranche, amounting to UAH 22.5 bln, was provided to the bank in July 2017, second, amounting to UAH 16 bln – in December.