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Public Prosecutor’s Office initiated criminal proceedings on seizure of government buildings in Crimea

Thursday, 27 February 2014 15:11

Records have been entered into the Uniform Registry for Pre-Trial Investigations

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine initiated criminal proceedings on seizure of the buildings of the Verkhovna Rada and Council of Ministers in AR Crimea, the PGO’s press-office reports.

«Today, at 4.30 in the morning two groups of unknown persons (10-15 persons in each group) seized the building of the Verkhovna Rada and Council of Ministers in AR Crimea. The unknown entered the said above premises by forcing the doors open, and stayed inside. They make no demands. According to the preliminary data, they have firearms the quantity and type of which is unknown. They did not use their guns while seizing the building, there are no evidence of applying physical force to the employees of internal affairs bodies and government guard service», - the statement says.

The data on this case was entered into the Uniform Registry for Pre-Trial Investigations; Public Prosecutor’s Office of AR Crimea initiated relevant criminal proceedings pursuant to art. 258 Act of Terrorism of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. MD of Security Service of Ukraine in AR Crimea has been assigned to carry out the investigation.

The senior officials of the Persecutor’s Offices of AR Crimea, MD of Ukraine’s Ministry of Interior in AR Crimea, Security Service of Ukraine in AR Crimea are at the scene of an accident. Local police was put on alert.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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