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Embedding the system for photo and video capturing of road traffic violations can augment the budget by UAH 20 million annually

Thursday, 22 May 2014 17:05

The chief of the Motor Vehicles & Road Traffic Police tells about innovations

The introduction of the automated system for capturing photo images of road traffic violations in Ukraine will result in additional revenues to the budget amounting to around UAH 20 billion annually, Chief of MVRTP Anatoly Syrenko said, The RBK-Ukraine (РБК-Украина) reports.

«We have counted that the amount of government budget revenues obtained from penalties for road traffic offences will approximately equal UAH 20 billion annually.  According to our estimates, spending on introduction of this system will reach UAH 1 billion. These expenses can be returned to the government budget in two months. To make this system really efficient in Ukraine, we need to cover 2 thousand lines. I’m speaking about coverage of 2 thousand routes but not purchase of 2 thousand photo cameras», - said Syrenko.

In his opinion, with this system in place the corruption and bribery among road inspection officers will be curbed.

«I’m all for breaking the “driver –inspector” link. No contact, no corruption. I vote for capturing photo images, and I want the system is implemented as quick as possible. Yet, this is a long-term process. We should start from pilot projects in the big cities», - added Syrenko.

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