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An access to the registries renewed by the Ministry of Justice in the towns freed of terrorists

Tuesday, 08 July 2014 17:12

P.Petrenko has signed the resolution

Yesterday, the uniform national data system of the Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice, i.e. all database registries, was reinstated on the territories that were freed during the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine. The relevant resolution was signed by Minister for Justice Pavlo Petrenko, the press-office of the ministerial department reports.

«We have renewed an access to the database registries in the territories freed of terrorists during the ATO. We’ve managed to save the data on proprietary rights, the company’s information and personal details of the Ukrainians. An access to some other registries are still being blocked, however, those who dwell in the boroughs that fall under restriction can register ownership rights to immovable property located in other oblasts or conduct other notarial actions», - said the Minister.

Thus, an access of users to the national register of chattel mortgages, national register of immovable property rights - substantive rights, within Sloviansk and Sloviansk district in Donetsk oblast, as well as Novoaidarsk district in Luhansk oblast, has been restored.

Moreover, the task to undertake measures in order to renew an access to the Uniform National Register of Legal Entities & Individual Entrepreneurs covering the said territories has been assigned to the National Registration Service of Ukraine.

To sum up, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine adopted resolution № 953/5 on 17.06.2014 to temporarily deny an access to users in the areas the anti-terrorist operation is taking place to the uniform national registers keeping the MJU’s data. 

Given the said above, an access to the National Register of Chattel Mortgages, National Register of Immovable Property Rights - substantive aspect, Uniform National Register of Legal Entities & Individual Entrepreneurs was not given to users in ATO zone till the completion of the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine, what embraced the following territories: Luhansk oblast (except Kreminsky, Svativsky,  Troitsky, Bilokurakinsky, Starobilsky, Bilovodsky, Novopskovsky, Markivsky, Milovsky districts), Sloviansk town and Sloviansk district in Donetsk oblast.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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