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The government reserve fund disburses UAH 7613,3 million to support the military

Monday, 14 July 2014 17:37

Inter-ministerial commission’s meeting

The Ministry of Finance has convened the second meeting of its Inter-Ministerial Commission founded pursuant to resolution of the Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers dd. 25.03.2014 №98 to get approval of allocation of money by the government reserve fund for defence needs in 2014, citing the press-office of the ministerial department.  

At the meeting the representatives of defence and law enforcement agencies reported on actual use of the government reserve funds disbursed this year in view of undertaking some measures requisite to upgrade the country’s defence capability.

To put the plan into action, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine passed 9 decisions within March – July on earmarking 7 620,3 million hryvnias from the government reserve fund to cover needs the defence and law enforcement agencies had, including:

Ministry of Defence – UAH 4771,7 million;

National Guard – UAH 2429,1 million;

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine – UAH 174,7 million;

Ministry of Internal Affairs – UAH 136,4 million

Security Service of Ukraine – UAH 103,4 million.;

Main Department of the Secret Service of Ukraine at the Ministry of Defence – UAH 0,9 million.

State Service of Special Communication & Information Protection– UAH 4,1 million

As of 11.07.2014, upon proposals of defence and law enforcement agencies, around UAH 7 613,3 million (100%% of the funds planned to be paid in March-July) were remitted from the government reserve fund to the military departments’ accounts to upgrade the defence capability, including:

UAH 1 245,5 million – wages to servicemen;

UAH 180,6 million – purvey for the army;

UAH 399,7 million – items for self-defence and personal usage;

UAH 1 739,2 million – purchase of fuels and lubricants, items needed to repair equipment;

UAH 3 924,1 million – procurement, modernization and repair of military equipment, other munition, communication facilities, vehicles for transporting military weapons and equipment;

UAH 83,6 million – military training, purchase of medicines and medical equipment, bath-laundry equipment;

UAH 40,0 million – one-time financial aid paid to families of military members killed.

As of 11.07.2014 total amount of funds used added up to UAH 2 178,8 million.

In addition, 133,5 million hryvnias of charitable contributions have been deducted to the accounts of the Ministry of Defence.  

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