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The Ministry of Social Policy suggests monetizing the public transport fare benefits

Tuesday, 17 March 2015 17:44

The reform we are carrying out now will be a breakthrough in disbursing transport fare benefits; the next step is ensuring social justice, sorting things out and embedding an efficient and targeted policy in Ukraine, said Minister for Social Policy Pavlo Rozenko in an interview to the Segodnia newspaper.

‘The system of benefits should be fair. This is possible only if it is targeted. A simple example: pensioners eligible for some entitlements can obtain 10-15 thousand hryvnias in pension every month, then why should the state additionally pay them compensation to refund public transport fares? I’m sure, such a person can buy a ticket for transport for 4 hryvnias”, - summed up Pavlo Rozenko.

Meantime, he added that monetizing the public transport fares is an uneasy decision, given that there is nether accounting nor control mechanism that could ensure seamless tracking of the transport benefit disbursement.

‘Today, nobody knows for sure how many persons enjoying privileges exempt their right daily to travel free on public transport. Moreover, the transport service company can dope out any figures, saying that 90% of people travelled free on their buses and trolley-buses last month. And, to check whether this data is true is impossible” – noted Mr Rozenko.

“As a result, the state compensates expenses pulled out of a hat. And the entire scheme creates a fertile soil for corruption. Thus, this calculation model should be, by all means, liquidated. It’s better to monetize the benefits and transfer the money straight to the people in need. The person eligible for free travel on public transport is to buy a ticket or token, all the same, but the state is to  refund the expenses”, - the politician underscored.

“Every low-income person receiving benefits should be given enough money to go on public transport.  Thus, having finally made all calculations, it has become clear how feasible the transport fare monetization project is. But provided that we have necessary funds and political will, the project can be launched, actually, in 2-3 months. We’re ready to do it”, - the Minister recapped.

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