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The Boryspil financial plan has been approved

Tuesday, 21 July 2015 17:50

The outcome of the meeting of the ministry’s task on infrastructure development and environmental policy was adoption of a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Minters of Ukraine approving the financial plan of Boryspil International Airport, the state-owned enterprise. The document has been forwarded for consideration of the CMU, with reference to the press-office of Vice Prime Minister Valery Voschevsky. 

Upon performance highlights for 2014 Boryspil airport reportedly handled 63% of passenger traffic of Ukraine (6.9 million passengers from 10.9 million passengers). For today, the airport cooperates with over 50 air carriers on 100 routes.

According to the data made available by Boryspil airport, the passenger traffic dropped in 2014 by 13% against 2013. Under the forecast produced by the airport, passenger flow will decrease by 5% this year.

The financial plan envisages strengthening of measures to maintain the required level of security, opening of new flight routes, development of the infrastructure to handle transfer of passengers.

Among the top priority issues are: approaching the profile of the well-known foreign airports without debt load.

The document says that estimated total revenue exceeds UAH 2.5 million.

According to the financial document, the airport is planning cost saving for services.  

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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