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Losses of Ukrainian banks for 8 months reached UAH 190 billion

Tuesday, 22 September 2015 16:30

NBU has counted losses of Ukrainian banks for eight months of 2015. The volume of losses, not including insolvent banks, amounts to almost UAH 190 billion, considering that it increased by UAH 14.6 billion in August, the Ministry of Finance reports quoting NBU data.

As it is stated in the message, the expenses of Ukrainian banks for January- August 2015, not including insolvent banks, amounted to UAH 181.1 billion. The income of Ukrainian banks for January – August 2015 amounted to UAH 141.2 billion.

It is reported that the total amount of losses on solvent banks was UAH 14.8 billion, while 99.9% of losses for August were the losses, incurred by one bank.

“The negative financial result of this bank for August 2015 was formed mainly at the expense of significant amounts of allowances for loan loss provisions – UAH 14.6 billion (86.4% of the total amount of allowances for loan loss provisions for August 2015 on solvent banks ). This is connected with necessity to cover loan risks under loan transactions, including the worsening of exposure repayment by the borrowers from ATO zone”, as reported in the message.

Meanwhile, as per NBU data 93 banks have earned income for August 2015 for the total amount of UAH 1.2 billion.

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