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CMU redistributed UAH 1 bn among regional budgets from state budget 2015

Tuesday, 20 October 2015 17:42

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has redistributed UAH 1 bn among regional budgets from state budget for 2015. The relevant resolution №833 dd. 13 October is published on the governmental site. Thus, the Cabinet of Ministers has introduced amendments into governmental resolution №727 dd. 16 September 2015, RBC-Ukraine (РБК-Украина) reports.

“To introduce the conditions for provision of stabilization grant from state budget to local budgets, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dd. 16 September 2015 №727 ”Some questions on stabilization grant from state budget to local budgets”… To approve the redistribution of stabilization grant from state budget to local budgets for 2015 among regional budgets in the amount of UAH 1 mln”, as said in the text of document.

In particular, the grant will be distributed in two stages. The first stage – among local budgets in the following proportions: not less than 20 percent – for regional budgets, not more than 80 percent – for budgets of the cities of regional significance, district budgets and budgets of the united territorial communities, which are created in compliance with the law and the perspective plan of formation of the community territory. At the second stage the grant is distributed among regional budgets.

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers has set a calculation formula for the grant volume at the second stage for regional budgets.    

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