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Ukrtransnafta earned profit for UAH 1.8 billion for 9 months

Wednesday, 28 October 2015 17:10

For 9 months of the current year PJSC “Ukrtransnafta” made net profit for UAH 1.8 billion, which is by UAH 811 mln or by 81% more than for the same period of 2014, RBC-Ukraine (РБК-Украина) reports, quoting the press-service of the company.

The report says that the net revenue (proceeds) of the company for reporting period made up UAH 2.35 billion, out of which 98.4% from the total amount is the proceeds from oil transportation.  The indicator grew by 37.8% or by UAH 646.5 mln vs. the previous year.

Proceeds from oil transportation vs. the indicator for 9 months of the previous year grew by UAH 960.6 or by 70.7%. The main reason is the rise of UAH/EUR rate, main currency in settlement for oil transit. The growth of volumes of oil transit (by 2.8%) and increase of oil transportation tariffs have also influenced the increase of proceeds.

In total, 12.9 mln tons of oil, including 11.68 mln for transit to oil processing companies of Central Europe and 1.235 mln tons of oil of domestic production to Ukrainian oil processing plants, have been transported through the company’s pipelines for the reporting period.

The founder and sole shareholder of PJSC “Ukrtransnafta” is the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine”. “Main oil pipelines “Druzhba”, “Pridneprovskie main pipelines” and “Southern main pipelines” are the parts of the company.   

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