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Germany will allocate €136 mln to support reforms in Ukraine in 2015

Wednesday, 04 November 2015 17:14

German government will allocate EUR 136 mln in 2015 to support reforms in Ukraine, as it is said in the statement of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, RBC-Ukraine (РБК-Украина) reports.

It is reported that the Head of MEDT Aivaras Abromavicius and the Director of the Bilateral Cooperation Department of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany Andreas Gis signed the protocol on cooperation for economic and social development of Ukraine, as per which Germany will allocate Ukraine EUR 136 mln in 2015 as part of bilateral technical and financial cooperation.

In MEDT it was explained that EUR 88 mln out of this amount will be allocated as a loan for financial cooperation projects, and EUR 20 mln – as non-repayable funds for technical support projects.

German government rapidly responded to the crisis which Ukraine faces within last few years. In the previous year the German aid increased 3 times – up to EUR 96 mln, and this year we had negotiated the amount of EUR 136 mln.”, - noted Gis.

As part of technical support Germany will allocate EUR 1.5 mln for supporting the Structural and Regulatory Policy Advisory Fund, EUR 6 mln for supporting decentralization reform and 4 mln for urbanistic development of cities. Other EUR 3.55 mln were allocated for the municipal program of climate protection in Chernivtsi. In addition, EUR 2 mln will be allocated for energy efficiency reform. Germany will also allocate EUR 10 mln for financing the agricultural sector.   

“We have also agreed to provide loan guarantees in Ukraine in the amount of EUR 500 mln through German State Bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).” EUR 300 mln out of this amount will be used for recovery of damaged infrastructure due to military operations on the territory of Ukraine, goods supplies and measures for increasing energy efficiency,” stated Aivaras Abromavicius.

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