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Ukraine Becomes Second in World on EBRD Loans

Monday, 14 March 2016 17:12


EBRD will continue investments in Ukraine, while the country implements reforms.


Only Turkey borrowed more money from European bankers, Correspondent reports.


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will continue to lend Ukraine, while the reforms are being implemented there, President of the Bank Suma Chakrabarti said on Monday.


“For the last two years Ukraine was our second largest market for EUR 1.2 billion in 2014 and EUR 1.1 billion in 2015”, - said the EBRD President, participating in opening of the resident office in Tokyo.


“These are huge investments in Ukraine, expecting for large reforms, to invest more and ensure the continuance of reforming of Ukraine”, Chakrabarti said.


According to him, EBRD takes into account risks and return on each country, but currently investments will continue, “while Ukraine continues implementing reforms”.


As per bank’s data, Turkey was the leader among the funding recipients from EBRD in 2015: EUR 1.9 billion versus EUR 1.4 billion in the previous year. Ukraine ranked second in this list, ensuring investment for the amount of EUR 1 billion.


The bank also noted the increase of investments to Central Asia as well as South and East Mediterranean. The significant increase of investments was registered in Kazakhstan – from EUR 576 mln in 2014 to EUR 708 mln in 2015 – and in Poland, where the investments increased from EUR 647 million.


The last year was the first one when the bank invested capital in Greece, investing EUR 250 million in four systemically important banks of the country.


It was previously informed that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed the agreement on purchase of 30% of shares of Raiffeisen Bank Aval.


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