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NBU Accepts Concept of Bank Merger

Wednesday, 16 March 2016 15:36

The National Bank has accepted the concept of simplified bank merger, the Head of Registration and Licensing Department of the NBU Alexander Bevz said, EP reports.

It should be reminded that the regulator has tightened requirements to small banks. Those, which will not be able to increase capitals, will be able to unite with each other.

“The simplified procedure will be valid not only for those banks, which need the capital increase, but also for other large banks. The question of shares pricing is also open. It was initially supposed to conduct assessment by independent assessors. But after consultations with market participants we understood that such process is very complicated. That’s why it is supposed that the assessment can be conducted or not conducted, if parties reach agreement by themselves”, Bevz said.

The simplified procedure of bank merger should be conducted for 3-4 months.

As it was previously reported, the National Bank intends to initiate amendments to legislation with the purpose of reduction of procedure of bank merger, requiring capital increase, for 3-4 months from 1.5 year for the current moment.

It should be reminded that the National Bank obligated small banks to speed up the bringing of minimum capital into compliance with requirements of legislation – up to UAH 500 mln.  


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