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«Oschadbank» to Issue Payment Cards for Refugees

Monday, 21 March 2016 18:05

The Cabinet of Ministers obligated the Pension Fund to develop and get approved by the Ministry of Social Policy and state “Oschadbank” until April 15, 2016, the procedure for issuing payment cards, which are the pension certificate at the same time.

It is said in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated March 14, №167, which introduces amendments to the procedure for making welfare payments to internally displaced persons, UNIAN reports.

According to the document, the card will contain the graphic and electronic information about the owner and his electronic digital signature. The Cabinet of Ministers also obligated the Pension Fund to develop the procedure for exchanging information with “Oschadbank” for opening accounts to the pension beneficiaries.

The validity of the card is up to 3 years subject to the physical identification of the client in “Oschadbank” branch offices first two times each 6 months, then – each 12 years. After the expiration of the card it will be reissued at the expense of the bank.

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers obligated “Oschadbank” until July 1, 2016, to ensure opening of accounts and issue of payment cards for the internally displaced persons, but not later than August 1, 2016, to start, as per requests of clients, making and exchanging existing payment cards for payment cards, which are at the same time the pension certificates, at their own expenses.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, as of March 14 of this year, 1mln 744 ths 788 internal refugees from Donbass and the Crimea are reportedly registered.  


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