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Ukraine Intends to Obtain Third Tranche of IMF Loan until July

Tuesday, 19 April 2016 17:44

According to Stepan Kubiv, the plan of cooperation with IMF should be developed and approved until May 1, UBR reports.

Ukraine expects to finalize negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, the key lender of the country, in the second revision of reform program, approved in March 2015, and to obtain the third loan tranche, amounting to about USD 1.7 billion, until the end of the second quarter of current year, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv said.

Meanwhile, he noted that preliminary plan of cooperation with IMF should be developed and approved by the order of Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman until May 1.

“Yesterday there was the working group session, which was attended by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy, the structure of communication was discussed (with Fund - UNIAN). There is a certain time line on fulfilling orders, including the preparation of draft laws, and on passing draft laws in the Verkhovna Rada. Apparently, the skype conference with IMF will be held, we will obtain additional principles of formation of the position of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy, and other ministries. Then we will document and inform it. This will take some time, but we want to do it in the near future. This should be done until May 1, the Prime Minister clearly set a task”, Kubiv said.

According to him, the position of Ukrainian authorities will also take into account the opinion of other lenders of the country – EBRD and World Bank.

“The work is going very effectively; currently a lot depends on us. We should do what we had to do”, First Vice Prime Minister said.

Meanwhile, speaking about tranches, Kubiv emphasized that now Ukraine insists on combining several tranches. “Currently the question is that there is a need in making inventory (work done - UNIAN), to prepare draft laws, to pass them in the first reading and present them on paper”, he said.

We plan to do everything (including the revision of program and obtaining funds) until the end of this quarter – it would be correct to say so. May or June.”

Previously Head of Government Volodymyr Groisman and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenkko claimed about the lack of options for renewing cooperation with IMF. The Fund’s also emphasized that the readiness to work with new Ukrainian government.

IMF approved the Ukraine’s economy lending program with using Extended Financing Facility (EFF) with the total amount of USD 17.5 bln for the period of 4 years in March 2015. On March 13 Ukraine obtained the first tranche, amounting to USD 5 billion, under the new program, the second – USD 1.7 billion – August 4, 2015.

Currently the second revision of cooperation program is in progress, Ukraine and IMF discuss the wide spectrum of issues within the second revision, which includes different aspects of monetary, banking, anticorruption policy, pension reform and privatization. The result of this revision should become the approved memorandum between authorities and IMF Board of Governors.

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