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Ukraine Plans to Implement Israeli Model of Military Justice

Monday, 25 April 2016 17:32

The representatives of Ukraine and Israel have agreed the issues of exchange of working experience of military justice authorities and further creation of the joint expert group for development of mechanisms for implementation of the Israeli model of military justice in Ukraine, UNIAN reports.

According to General Prosecutor’s Office press-office, these agreements were achieved during the meeting with Deputy General Prosecutor – Chief Military Prosecutor Anatolii Matios with his Israeli colleague Sharon Affek.

In particular, the possibility of sending the group of Israeli experts to Ukrainian military prosecutor’s office for exchanging experience of the military prosecutor’s office and military courts (tribunals) was discussed.

It is noted that the creation of the system of Ukrainian military justice as per Israeli sample, probably, is most optimal, because it will ensure the order and discipline in military formations during the continuing military actions as well as in conditions of regular military alert.

“The parties have noted the similarity of problem issues, accompanying the work of military prosecutors in Ukraine and Israel as well as expectations and requirements of the society to the results of their activities,” the message says.

GPOU noted that the first visit of such level became the significant step in further development of bilateral relationships between competent authorities of both countries.

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