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Volodymyr Groisman: Government to Set Gas Price for Population, Raise Social Standards and Cancel Pensions Taxation.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016 17:40

DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS with the CMU’s Secretariat, the Governmental Portal reports.

The government will set a single price for population, will raise social standards and cancel taxation of pensions, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman said, opening the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on Wednesday, April 27.  

“I am confident that we draw the line on this question, and this will be the last gas price change in the life of our state”, - Volodymyr Groisman noted that the decision on setting the single gas price complies with Ukraine’s international obligations within the memorandum about cooperation with the International Monetary Fund.

“Currently the adoption of this decision can also be a certain gas price decrease for 3 mln consumers”, - the Prime Minister noted, reminding that the gas price was still UAH 7200, but was not economically justified. In compliance with the decision, which is proposed to be considered, it will decrease to UAH 6879.

Volodymyr Groisman noted that taking a decision on setting the single gas price will allow to overcome corruption. “Prices, which were not economically justified, were always subsidized by the state. And here there was no social fairness: rich and poor people consumed gas at low price. People paid their taxes to the state budget, the state budget took this resource and directed it to the deficit of Naftogaz. But around these things, there were always deals, which brought billion profits to those, who had business on the gas market”, - the Chairman of Government emphasized.

“We should end this unfairness. We should concern about each citizen of Ukraine, who has difficulties today. And the system of subsidies will be so effective from these changes that those who do not have high income, will be protected by the state”, he noted.

Meanwhile, the government introduces two draft laws into the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: on cancellation of taxation of pensions since May 1 and raising social standards since December 1, not by 6%, as it was planned, but by 10%.

The Prime Minister also noted that before the beginning of the heating season the additional compensators for lightening the load of payment for utility services will be found”.

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