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SFS Jointly with European Colleagues Implements Elements of Integrated Border Management – Roman Nasyrov

Wednesday, 20 July 2016 16:37

The second meeting of the steering committee of Twinning project with participation of Chairman of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine Roman Nasyrov was held on July 19. During the meeting the parties presented the results of the project as well as measures, taken during the second quarter of 2016, the press-office of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine reports.

“The information and experience exchange is included into the agenda of fiscal service. Twinning Project allows realizing this task. Currently within the project we jointly with European colleagues implement elements of integrated border management”, Roman Nasyrov noted.

“The great attention is also focused on implementation of IT measures on customs, implementation of the Institute of Authorized Economic Operator and joining NCTS. Mostly due to cooperation with European colleagues Ukraine is constantly moving forward on these matters”, SFS Chairman added.

The Project Twinning “The support of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in development of elements of integrated border management in customs sphere” provides the long-term consultations on a day-to-day basis between SFS representatives and experts of the project, the scientific visits to EU member countries with the purpose of familiarizing in practice with aspects of implementation of elements of integrated border management and anti-corruption policy-making.

The project covers next 3 components: 1) modernization of legislation on integrated border management; 2) operational aspects of cooperation on integrated border management; 3) development of anti-corruption system.

Besides, the project is aimed at fulfillment by Ukraine of obligations in customs sphere in compliance with EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, in particular, establishing the Institute of Authorized Economic Operator, joining the Common Transit Convention, unimpaired operation of complex “Electronic Customs”, development of effective anti-corruption strategy etc.

“Since the beginning of the project many initiatives have been implemented, many measures and consultations have been taken for implementation of integrated border management and fulfillment of Ukraine’s obligations in compliance with EU Association Agreement. In the second quarter 11 measures were taken, 23 missions were accomplished, including four scientific trips. In total, 24 experts were involved in the performance of the work”, Roman Nasyrov said.

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