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Arbuzov Gives Forecast on Investments to Ukraine

Thursday, 04 August 2016 17:31

The former NBU Governor considers that Ukraine will obtain twice less investments that the authorities expect for, Correspondent.net reports.

Next year Ukraine should not expect for the promised by authorities record inflow of direct foreign investments (DFI) – $4.5 bln. In deed it will be twice lower. Such forecast was made by former NBU Governor, former First Vice Prime Minister Serhei Arbuzov.

He provides data of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), according to which during 2014-2015 Ukraine managed to attract USD 3.26 bln, i.e. 4.5 times less that for previous two years (2012-2013).

“The Ukraine’s share in global inflow of DFI made up 0.168% in 2015…In the meantime, the increase of DFI to Ukraine in 2015 is driven, first of all, by NBU regulatory requirements within bank recapitalization policy. More than 80% of DFI were directed to the banking sector. In its turn, the real sector almost was not obtaining DFI the whole previous year”, he wrote in Facebook.

Arbuzov reminds that next year Ukraine puts main hopes on privatization, which failed this and the previous year, which is, in Arbuzov’s opinion, is one of the reasons for absence of third IMF tranche.

“The demonstrational and politically motivated fight against corruption, permanent political turbulence, incapacitated parliament, doubts in capabilities of authorities to ensure cooperation with IMF. This all will further scare away potential investors. That’s why my forecast of the DFI inflow is twice lower than the governmental one – $2.5-$2.7 bln this and next year”, Arbuzov noted.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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