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Bankrupt Bank Employees Can Obtain Insurance Payment due to Job Loss

Wednesday, 19 October 2016 16:07

The public union “Ukrainian Insurance Ombudsman” claimed payment from the insurance company “Arsenal Insurance” for former bank employees of “Finance and Credit” on insurance agreement in case of job loss, the union’s press-office reports.

On July 15, 2016, four former bank employees of “Finance and Credit” from the Volyn’ region, which were insured against the risk of job loss at the insurance company “Arsenal Insurance”, applied to the public union ““Ukrainian Insurance Ombudsman””. After dismissal from the bank, they claimed insurance payment from the insurance company “Arsenal Insurance”. However, the insurance company denied, motivating its denial by the fact that it was not notified of possible dismissal of bank employees.

The specialists of the Insurance Ombudsman analyzed the insurance agreement and came to the conclusion that the insurance company violates the legislation, license terms ad insurance agreement terms.

“We helped the complainants to file complaints to the state regulator - the National Committee of Financial Services. For state regulator, the violations of IC “Arsenal Insurance” were also evident, that’s why it obligated the insurance company to pay the citizens their due insurance compensation – 4 employees already received UAH 27 ths”, according to the organization.  


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