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Ukraine’s Eurobonds Rapidly Fall in Price due to Trump’s Victory

Wednesday, 09 November 2016 15:50

On Wednesday, Ukraine’s Eurobonds rapidly lose its value in response to the message about the victory of Republican Donald Trump in US presidential run, Interfax-Ukraine reports, quoting Bloomberg.

According to Bloomberg data, the sovereign Eurobonds with redemption in September 2023 are leading in negative dynamics: their value at 10:50 fell by 2.65 percentage points – to 95.35% nominal, the income increased by 53.1 basis points – up to 8.666% per annum.

Following the specified Eurobonds, Ukraine-26 and Ukraine-27 Eurobonds are actively declining in price, the quotations of which fell by 2.6 p.p. – 93% and 93.25% of the nominal value respectively, as well as Ukraine-22 and Ukraine 25 Eurobonds, fallen in price by 2.5 p.p. – up to 95.95% and 94% of the nominal value respectively. The income of all securities exceeded 8.6% per annum.

“In contrast to Hilary Clinton’s policy, whose policy looked more predictable, Trump’s policy had a lot of obscure and contradictory. In the meantime, such uncertainty (regarding Trump’s policy), will evidently remain until the inauguration of President-Elect President”, the expert said.

Sberbank Investment Research hold to similar opinions and analytics.

“The Financial markets will need some time for understanding of consequences of the America’s choice. It sharply raises uncertainty about further developments”, the experts said.

Merrill Lynch analysts consider that such sharp response of Ukraine’s Eurobonds was expected, as previously the securities seemed overrated against other high-risk sovereigns.

In addition, concerns are also caused by the fear that US will probably weaken its attention to Ukraine.

It should be reminded that European indices also dropped in response to Trump’s victory.

As reported, US presidential elections results lead to a plunge of USD and MXP rate as well as changes on raw material markets. 


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