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SSSU Reports on Embezzlement in Ukrzaliznytsia for 30 Millions

Friday, 11 November 2016 15:58

The State Security Service of Ukraine jointly with the police, under the auspices of Ukrzaliznytsia PJSC, disclosed the embezzlement of public funds of the Ukrainian railroadin Kharkiv region, SSSU press-office reports.

“The officials of one of the structural divisions of the regional affiliate “South Railroad” systematically embezzled public funds, aimed for the repair of cargo cars as well as railway equipment”, according to the message.

Within several years of use of illegal schemes, the amount of Ukrzaliznytsia’s losses is about UAH 30 million.

On November 10, law enforcement officers simultaneously conducted ten searches at jobs and residences of defendants in criminal proceedings on the territory of Kupiansk and Kupiansk district of Kharkiv region.

During the searches, the documents, confirming the fictitious sale transactions, electronic data storage devices, containing information on involvement in criminal activities of fictitious business entities as well as criminally obtained cash funds and valuables, amounting to UAH 1 million in total, were seized.

The criminal proceeding under Article 191 (appropriation and embezzlement of properties through abuse of office) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine was initiated.

The urgent operational investigative actions are being undertaken. The issue of pressing charges against the persons, involved in illegal activities, is being decided.


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