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KCSA Intends not to Prolong Agreement with Kyivenergo

Tuesday, 24 January 2017 16:20

The Kyiv City State Administration sets a mission to define alternative energy services until November, - KCSA’s Chief of Staff Volodymyr Bondarenko said, Hubs reports.

Thus, the capital authorities do not abandon the idea to find the alternative to Kyivenergo.

Volodymyr Bondarenko emphasized that the city does not intend to prolong the contract with Kyivenergo for management of heating complex, and the agreement on management of main heating networks and TPP ends on December 2017.

According to the official, at the end of the last year, the municipal authorities started the preparation of new conditions of the agreement on management of the heating complex.

«It should be understood that we can go two ways: whether under the conditions of concession, or under the conditions of direct city administration. As of now, we have engaged Ernst & Young in development of the concept in two ways: concession, or direct city administration. As of now, we already have very accurate road maps. We will choose city administration or concession depending on those proposals, which we will obtain from the parties concerned», - Bondarenko said.

On November 11, Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko said that the Kyiv City State Administration does not intend to prolong the agreement with Kyivenergo for management of heating networks of the city. The Mayor emphasized that the energy efficiency, modernization of the heating economy, reduction of production costs, permitting further impact on tariffs should become the basis for a new agreement.

Rinat Akhmetov’s DTEK controls 72.4% of Kyivenergo shares. The state owns other 25% + 1 share of the company. In April, DTEK representative complained that Kyivenergo does not make profit and requires huge investments.

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