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Poroshenko and His Business Partners Owe 6 Million to Kyivska Rus Bank

Thursday, 16 February 2017 16:23

The Auto-Transport Enterprise 2240, controlled by President Petro Poroshenko and his friends, denies repaying the loan, amounting to 6 million dollars, to the insolvent bank Kyivska Rus, according to Slidstvo.Info, Economic Truth reports.

As reported, while the depositors of Kyivska Rus insist on the renewal of bank activities and payment of their deposits in full size, President Poroshenko, his old friends and business partners: People’s Deputy Igor Kononenko and NSDC Deputy Secretary Oleg Gladkovskyi are not against the liquidation of this bank.

“The ATE, controlled by them, took out the loan, amounting to USD 6 million, in 2007 at Kievska Rus Bank. The building on Pavla Usenka Street, close to Darnytsia square in Kyiv, was pledged as collateral. However, the Poroshenko’s transport company did not repay the loan. The firm did not give collateral either, which would cover bank losses”, according to the material.

According to Radio Svoboda’s journalist, who studies this topic, ATP should have to give all the pledged property to Kyivska Rus Bank, on account of debt repayment, but suddenly there appears the company, which says that we managed to take it earlier.

Previously she studied how the firm of president’s friends left the bank without money and real estate.

“The company of Poroshenko and his friends announced about bankruptcy and transferred all buildings to O Development Team firm before the liquidation. The sale was fictitious, because the property remained in hands of president’s friends. The Virginian company Intracom Management Limited was the founder of O Development Team, and its owner, as Slidstvo found out before that, turned out to be the other friend of Poroshenko – the Deputy General Director of Roshen Corporation Sergei Zaitsev”, the edition writes.

“The situation turns out to be the following: we have a debtor, who should give the bank money or its territory, and we have a company, which is likely to be associated with this debtor, which asserts that it managed to take out all of its properties earlier. We also have a bank, which is left with nothing. And is being in the condition of liquidation”, the journalist adds.

The bank does not hope any more to obtain repayment of either loan, or pledge from the president’s associates.

Attorney Tatiana Kilichava, who helps to return savings of the people, asserts that if the company of Poroshenko and his associates repays the bank loan, other major debtors will do the same; it will allow paying all deposits, which the regular depositors lost on accounts of Kyivska Rus.

“Meanwhile, the influential debtors of Kyivska Rus can feel calm. So much that, having got rid of the claimant upon the property, they already obtained a large land plot for it. In autumn 2015, the Kyiv Council leased 11 hectares of ATE for twenty five years to other firm of Poroshenko’s friends – the limited liability company Avtoexpo”, according to Slidstvo.Info.

As reported, on December 6, the Kyiv Appellate Administrative Court ruled the liquidation of Kyivska Rus Bank illegal.

On November 1, the Kyiv Prosecutor’s Office charged the former director of Kyiv central branch of Kyivska Rus PJSC with the forgery and appropriation of monetary funds in especially large amounts.

Previously, the head of department and the cash manager were charged with committing the specified crimes conspiring with their chief.

As reported, in August 2016, SSSU exposed the former top manager of Kyivska Rus Bank in embezzlement of 44 mln dollars; he was put on the international wanted list.

On March 19, 2015, NBU declared this bank insolvent.

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