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100 Enterprises to Be Sold in Ukraine – Kubiv

Monday, 20 February 2017 16:35

This year, within the privatization campaign, Ukraine plans to sell about 100 enterprises, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv said, Finance.ua reports.

“This year, more than 100 companies are to be sold, and currently (the Ministry of Economic Development) along with the State Property Fund prepares the updated list of companies. In addition, we have already prepared the draft law, which improves the privatization process – it will simplify the asset quality rating and determine the procedure of formation of the list of companies for privatization. Soon, we are planning to introduce this draft law to the Parliament”, Kubiv noted.

He also expressed hope that the failed sale of one of the country’s major assets – Odessa Portside Plant – will not affect the process of privatization in total.

“The major problem, affecting the success of OPP privatization, is the presence of debt to Group DF, the increase of company arrears for energy resources and losses of the activity. There is also some unfavorable pricing environment on the market of mineral fertilizers. In the meantime, the forecasts are discouraging. That is why the auction did not happen last year, though the recognized international organizations were involved in preparation of the privatization of the plant: the investment bank UBS, EY, Baker&McKenzie”, Kubiv said.

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Виртуальные «фантики», крупная махинация вроде финансовой пирамиды - 42.3%
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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
Даже знать не хочу что это. Я – евро-долларовый консерватор - 6.2%
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29 августа вступила в силу законодательная норма о начислении штрафов-компенсаций за несвоевременную выплату алиментов (от 20 до 50%). Компенсации будут перечисляться детям

В нашей стране стоит сто раз продумать, прежде чем рожать детей - 33.3%
Лучше бы государство изобретало механизмы финансовой поддержки института семьи в условиях кризиса - 29.3%
Это не уменьшит числа разводов, но заставит отцов подходить к вопросу ответственно - 26.7%
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