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Gontareva May Step Down as NBU Governor: Possible Candidates Revealed – Mass Media

Thursday, 23 February 2017 17:42

Governor of the National Bank may step down as the chairwoman by mid-April.

“NBU Governor Valeria Gontareva and Minister of Finance Alexander Danuliyk may be replaced. The replacement may happen within the context of strengthening coalition in the Verkhovna Rada”, - as said in the publication, quoting the source.

Among the candidates for the post of NBU Governor, there is Former Prime Minister and Leader of People’s Front Arseniy Yatseniuk, who was the Deputy NBU Governor and acted as the bank administrator after his resignation.

However, Yatseniuk is not the only candidate for Gontareva’s position.

The potential candidates include Former Chairman of Oshchadbank Anatoli Gulei and Chairman of NBU Board Bogdan Danylyshyn, who are currently equidistant from political forces and can be compromise candidates.

The probability of Sergei Tigipko’s return to the National Bank has not been still confirmed.

According to information of sources, the question has been ultimately decided. The deadline is mid-April, when the question on the composition of government will be decided.

For more details, please read the material “IMF Wants Additional Guarantees from Ukraine for Allocation of USD 1 Bln”.

It should be reminded that the General Prosecutor’s Office has the information that Gontareva gave illegal instructions to NBU supervisors in troubled banks.

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