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Three for Budget: Akhmetov, Kolomoysky and Zlochevsky – Leaders in Tax Payment in Ukraine

Tuesday, 25 April 2017 17:42

Their companies paid most funds to the consolidated budget of the country in the previous year.

The State Fiscal Service promulgated the list of budget revenue generating companies, which paid the maximum amounts of taxes to the consolidated budget of Ukraine in 2016. Out of hundred largest taxpayers of the country, the businesses of Rinat Akhmetov, Igor Kolomoysky and Nikolai Zlochevsky paid most funds to the state treasury, Ukrainian News reports.

In the aggregate, the companies of these businesses paid a total of UAH 40 bln as taxes and dues to the budget of Ukraine in 2016, according to the rating project of the official edition of SFS “Bulletin. Rating”.

“We will not only provide the country with the gas of domestic production, contributing to the strengthening of energy independence of our country, but we also conduct our activities and fulfill our obligations to state and local budgets. It is the social function of any business, promoting trust relationships between the state and society”, President of Burisma Group Nikolai Zlochevsky noted.


According to him, Burisma Group announced that 2017 is the year of realization of the program “Strategy of Billions”, which provides for billions of investments to the country, billions of taxes in the budget and billions of the production of natural gas.

It should be reminded that last week, the auction on gas purchase by Ukrtransgas was held through the public procurement ProZorro. Five companies, among which is the energy service company ESKO-PIVNICH, the largest operational company of Burisma Group, became the winners of the auction. It was ESKO-PIVNICH, which offered the lowest price to Ukrtransgas versus other public and private companies – 1 lot for UAH 1.29 bln versus UAH 1.35 bln from Eru Trading or UAH 1.37 bln from Naftogaz of Ukraine. The offer of Burisma Group allowed Ukrtransgas to save almost UAH 100 mln and direct these funds for investment projects or social needs.

“Burisma Group intended to further participate in auctions, offering optimal conditions and promoting the development of open competition on the Ukrainian market”, Nikolai Zlochevsky noted.  

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