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Full Blocking of Russian Sites Will Need Two Years and USD 1 Billion – Internet Association of Ukraine

Wednesday, 17 May 2017 16:53

The whole autonomous system, on which these sites are located, are likely to be blocked.

The full blocking of Russian sites will need about two years and 1 billion dollars, Chairman of the Management Board of the Internet Association of Ukraine Alexander Fedienko told 112 Ukraine.

“If we speak about the current order of the President, we need to fulfill it, when it comes into force. If we speak about further actions, then we need a year or two and 1 billion dollars”, Fedienko said.

Related news: SSSU prepares amendments to legislation on the mechanism of blocking banned Internet resources.

According to Fedienko, it is possible to block the sites.

“We are likely to block not the sites, but the whole autonomous system, in which there are these sites and other platforms, not listed in sanctions. As the result, the user will have no access not only to such networks, as VKontakte, but also other platforms, which were in this system”, Fedienko explained.

Related news: About the logic of the ban: Bellingcat conducts all of its investigations, based on the materials from Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki.

However, according to the Chairman of the Management Board of the Internet Association, the blocking may be bypassed.

“Yes, it is possible, time proves that even the Chinese Golden Shield is not a problem now”, Fedienko told.

It should be reminded that previously the Internet Association stated that now, it is technically impossible to block the Russian site, fallen under the sanctions. The implementation of blocking will take time and huge funds for re-equipment and change of network topology by internet providers.

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