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Searches Conducted on WOG Oil Tank Farm

Friday, 09 June 2017 17:21

On May 30, the officers of the National Police in Dnipropetrovsk region conducted searches on the territory of WOG oil tank farm, located at 13 Lenina Str., Partysanke Vlg, Dnipropetrovsk region, as part of the criminal proceedings on the charges of the operation of WOG fuel filling station in Dnipro and the region without permitting documents of State Labor Service of Ukraine, according to the ruling of the investigating judge of the Industrial District Court in Dnipro dd. June 1, promulgated in the Unified State Registers of Court Decisions, oilnews reports.

The officers of the Dnipropetrovsk Office of Economic Protection Department of the National Police. According to the investigation data, WOG Retail (USREOU 37821544) operates 3 fuel filling stations in Dnipro and in the region without obtaining permitting documents from the State Labor Service for performing hazardous works while selling fuel.

Meanwhile, it was established that WOG Retail is doing business on selling fuel through WOG network without permitting documents, according to the court document.

The fact that the oil products are delivered particularly from this oil tank farm to above-mentioned fuel filling stations is the reason for conducting searches on its territory.

During the search, conducted on the territory of oil tank farm on May 30, the law enforcement officers confiscated and seized the stamps of Import Trans Service and WOG Trade.

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