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Tigipko’s Bank Will Dispose of Diamantbank Assets

Tuesday, 13 June 2017 17:03

The Individuals’ Deposit Insurance Fund assigned TAScombank as the bank, disposing of the assets of insolvent Diamantbank, Former Chairman Oleg Khodachuk reported in Facebook, EP reports.

According to him, the volume of disposed assets will allow fully compensating the total amount of depositors up to UAH 200 ths. “When the administration was introduced, this amount totaled UAH 1,240 bln”, Khodachuk said.

“However, the main news for depositors with the amount, exceeding UAH 200 ths, is that the Fund left itself the total amount of cash funds, which was on the accounts and in the cash-desks of the bank. At the time of introduction of administration, it was almost UAH 600 mln”, the former chairman said.

“Even if the Fund in liquidation “expends” up to UAH 150 mln for different purposes, not related with compensations to the depositors. However, this amount will be sufficient for compensation of half of the volume of deposits, exceeding UAH 200 ths (It should be reminded that there are less than UAH 900 mln of such deposits remaining). Immediately. Not spending time for the procedure of disposal of property”, Khodachuk added.

As reported, on April 24, the Individuals’ Deposit Insurance Fund introduced temporary administration to Diamantbank.

In early February, the former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from People’s Front Faction Nikolai Martynenko became the owner of 2.48% shares of Diamantbank.

Martynenko entered into the capital of the bank through Techno-Invest LLC, which belonged to 24.8% of shares of Diamantbank.

Rada’s ex-deputy David Zhvania’s former assistant Vyacheslav Tsyganenko (49.5% shares), Zhvania’s former assistant Igor Kerez (45.5%) and Nikolai Martynenko (5%) are the shareholders of this company.

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