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World Bank Approves To-Do List for Ukraine

Wednesday, 21 June 2017 17:25

The financial support will depend on the country’s progress in implementation of reforms.

The World Bank (WB) Board of Directors approved the concept of partnership with Ukraine for 2017-2021, aimed at facilitating sustainable and comprehensive recovery of the country’s economy, UNIAN reports.

The concept is based on the appraisals of WB experts, conducted in March 2017, and contains the medium-term plan of WB’s support of reforms, implemented by Ukrainian authorities.

The concept envisages such directions for partnership:

$1·         public finance management and public management reforming;

$1·         anticorruption activities;

$1·         fiscal risk and public investment management;

$1·         strengthening financial sector;

$1·         infrastructure improvement;

$1·         creation of equal partnership in the private sector;

$1·         land reform;

$1·         healthcare reform;

$1·         privatization;

$1·         social aid.

The financial support of the World Bank within the concept will depend on Ukraine’s progress in implementation of reforms, improvement of results of the implementation of WB project portfolio in Ukraine, WB’s general lending capacity and the lending limits for Ukraine.   

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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