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GPOU Conducts Almost 40 Searches Due to Embezzlement in Public Procurement in 2012-2014

Thursday, 27 July 2017 16:57

The General Prosecutor’s Office conducted about 40 searches in several public institutions and commercial companies in connection with the spending of funds during public procurement, the press office of the General Prosecutor’s Office reports.

It is noted that GPU’s Special Investigation Department “conducts pretrial investigation in the criminal proceeding in connection with embezzlement of the commercial company and state funds in especially large amounts…having heavy consequences, on grounds of crimes, stipulated in par.3 of art.27 and par.2 of art 364 (abuse of authority or office), par.5 of art.191 (misappropriation, embezzlement or conversion or property by malversation) and other articles of CC of Ukraine”.

During the pretrial investigation, GPOU investigators jointly with SSSU officials conducted about 40 searches in state institutions, on the premises of the commercial company, the companies, supplying equipment, at the place of residence of former MIA’s official and some MIA’s official, who were the members of the tender committee.

According to GPOU, the searches established that in some institutions and ministries, the specified equipment is absent or is out of service. The tender and other documentation, crucial to the investigation, was also seized.

“The computer equipment, secret notepads and other things were seized at the place of residence of former MIA’s official as per the court ruling. Now, more than USD 700 ths, UAH 2 mln, the significant number of collectors’ coins (golden and silver), jewelry and other precious items, the origin of which is being identified, were seized”, GPOU reports.

The searches are continuing. The question on notification of suspicion to the persons, involved in a crime, is being solved.

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