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Nasalyk Told When Ukraine Will Transition to New Model of Electrical Energy Market

Monday, 07 August 2017 16:54

Ukraine is ready to transition to a new model of the electrical energy market, which is described in the law on the electrical energy market, approved this year, in late 2019, Minister of Energy and Coal Mining Igor Nasalyk told in the interview with TV Program “First Line”, Ukrainian News reports.

“We fully submitted the full monthly schedule of implementation of the electrical energy market. We may say that it will be late 2019. However, it demands very many system changes”, he said.

Nasalyk noted that the approval of the electrical energy market determined precise rules of the market operation, which will give the opportunities for attraction of strategic investors during the privatization of energy companies, in particular, the state energy generating company Centrenergo.

Reportedly, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed the law on the electric energy market on June 8.

The law stipulates the implementation of a new market model, which includes the following segments: the market of bilateral agreements, the day-ahead market, the internal daily market, the balancing market and the market of auxiliary services. The two-year transition period is stipulated during the realization of the law.

The document introduces the norms of the EU’s Third Energy Package, including the division of companies by the directions of distribution and transport of electrical energy.

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