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Revenues to Pension Fund Exceed Plan by 13 Billion

Wednesday, 30 August 2017 17:05

Since the beginning of the year, the revenues to the Pension Fund from the single social tax (SST) exceeded the planned indicator by 12.7 billion hryvnias, Head of Pension Provision Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine told at the press conference, UNIAN reports.

“Since the beginning of the year, we outperformed the plan by 12.7 billion hryvnias, which is 28.4 mln hryvnias more versus the last-year’s indicators”, Kovpashko reported.

She added that the increase of payroll, first of all, namely – increase of the minimum wage, increase of the percent of redistribution of SST in favor of the Pension Fund of Ukraine as well as those measures, which give the result on legalization of occupancy and legalization of the salary, led to such results.

The Head of PFU’s Department also informed that currently, there are 11.7 mln pensioners in Ukraine, the average amount of pension payments is UAH 1,887, and the Pension Fund monthly pays more than 22 bln hryvnias to pensioners.

Kovpashko said that the total amount of funds, allocated for payment of pensions in 2017, is UAH 283 bln, and the main source of money receipts is the part from SST (85.6%).

As reported, in the first reading, Rada endorsed the draft law №6614, which is included in the package of the pension reform. 282 people’s deputies voted “For”.

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