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EBRD Will Allocate Lviv 35 Million Euros for Waste Treatment Plant

Monday, 04 September 2017 16:31

The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development reported about the beginning of selection of companies, which will participate in implementation of the first stage of the project “Solid Waste of Lviv”, worth of 35 mln euros.

The announcement, published on EBRD’s official site, stated that the project will provide the beginning of recultivation of Gribovitsk dumping site and the construction of the plant for mechanical and biological treatment of the waste, EP reports quoting Zaxid.net.

Lviv City Council and Lviv Public Utility Company “Green City” are specified as the project operators.

As per the statement, the tender for procurement of goods, works and services for the project “Solid Waste of Lviv” will be announced in QIV of this year.

Out of 35 mln euros, envisaged by EBRD’s project, 10 mln euros are envisaged for namely the recultivation of Gribovitsk dumping site, which is the non-refundable grant from EBRD.

Other 25 mln euros will be spent on the construction of the waste treatment plant on the territory of Lviv TPP-2. The specialists of the French company Egis are already completing the development of the project of the plant at the expense of the grant of the French government.

As known, in late July, Lviv City Council signed the agreement with EBRD, totaling 30 mln euros, out of which 10 mln euros were envisaged for recultivation, and 20 mln euros – loan at the minimal interests for construction of the plant.  

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