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Ukraine Sharply Increases Procurement of German Goods

Tuesday, 05 September 2017 17:18

Ukraine, Russia and Moldova increased the procurement of German goods by quarter.

These are the results of export and import transactions between Germany and post-Soviet in the first half year of 2017, EP reports quoting Deutsche Welle.

The trade with the countries of ths region experiences a strong upsurge.

“Right on our doorstep, the region is making a significant contribution in export success of Germany and contributes to economic situation in our country”, Chairman of the Eastern Committee of German Economy Wolfgang Buchele notes.

In the meantime, the import of Russian products to Germany (mainly energy carriers) increased by 31.2%, up to 16.2 billion euros.

Therefore, the total goods turnover between RF and FRG was 28.9 billion euros in the first mid-year, which is by 29% more than the respective last year’s indicator.

Ukraine was the second important selling market for German exporters in the post-Soviet space. In the whole region, which the Eastern Committee deals with, it ranks fourth after Russia, Romania and Bulgaria.

The turnover with these two Balkan countries in the first half of the year also grew rapidly (by 16.5% and 13.4% respectively), however the dynamics in business with Ukraine was much higher: 21.3%.

Therefore, the German export in Ukraine increased virtually at the same pace (26.2%) as in Russia, however at much lower level.

The German firms supplies the goods totaling approximately 2.2 million euros of goods to Ukraine, and it gives Buchele grounds to state that “Ukraine will appear on the screens of radars of German exporters again”.  

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Виртуальные «фантики», крупная махинация вроде финансовой пирамиды - 42.3%
Новая эволюционная ступень финансовых отношений - 25.9%
Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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29 августа вступила в силу законодательная норма о начислении штрафов-компенсаций за несвоевременную выплату алиментов (от 20 до 50%). Компенсации будут перечисляться детям

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