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Court Arrests Swiss Accounts of Azarov’s Son

Wednesday, 06 September 2017 17:01

Kyiv Pechersk District Court received the petition of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine on the seizure of 10 Swiss accounts of Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Nikolai Azarov’s son Alexei.

The respective resolution was published on the website of the Unified Register of Court Decisions, EP reports quoting Gromadske.

The petition was submitted under the criminal proceeding regarding the illicit enrichment.

The resolution also says that during the period from 12 December 2012 to 27 November 2014 Alexei Azarov, in the capacity of the people’s deputy, received 7,700 thousand euros, 600 thousand Swiss francs and 500 thousand dollars from unidentified sources.

All the funds are placed on the banking accounts in Switzerland, Italy or Lichtenstein.

The investigator emphasized that the seizure of funds, placed on the accounts in Switzerland, is “required for ensuring the effectiveness of the criminal proceeding and reimbursement of losses, caused to the state as the result of committing a crime”.

As is known, the General Prosecutor’s Office suspects Nikolai Azarov’s son Alexei of obtaining the unlawful benefit in the particularly large amount.

In 2016, the former prime minister’s son attempted to remove attachment from the real estate in Italy.

Since 2015, Alexei has been remaining at large.

After the imposition of sanctions, Azarov’s family signed over the part of owned properties to Konstantin Pivovarov, including the Austrian firm Garda Handels- und Beteiligungs GmbH, which owns Metallist in Makeevka and the house in Vienna.

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