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Groisman Explains Why Agrarian Oligarch Receives Billions of Donations

Friday, 08 September 2017 16:50

Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman explains that the agrarian sector support procedure envisages the support of the concrete manufacturer, who demonstrates high yields, he said on September 8 in the Parliament during the question hour, UT reports.

In particular, in response to the political statement of Leader of Radical Party Oleg Lyashko, who encouraged changing the order of granting subsidies and donations in order “oligarchs did not receive billions of compensations for purchasing yachts and mansions”, Groisman said as follows:

“The agrarian sector support procedure, approved by the government, envisages the support of not a concrete entrepreneur, but a manufacturer. The one, who produces more, receives more donations. It is difficult to answer whether it is fair or not today”.

Prime Minister also replied to Lyashko that the procedure may be changed within the walls of the Ukrainian parliament.

Groisman also noted that in 2018, additional 1 billion is envisaged for supporting the small-scale farming.

Reportedly, in January-June 2017, 1.91 bln hryvnias were allocated for donations for agricultural enterprises.

The group of companies Mironovsky Khleb obtained the largest stake, totaling UAH 809 mln.

The enterprise belongs to the businessman Yurii Kosiuk, who worked as the Deputy Head of Presidential Administration in 2014.

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