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Suspect in Embezzlement of NBU “Refinance” Attempts to Leave for Russia

Monday, 18 September 2017 17:00

The officers of the State Security Service of Ukraine apprehended the suspect in embezzlement of million hryvnias of NBU refinancing, Ukrainian Truth reports.

The representatives of the Main Directorate for Counterintelligence Protection of National Economic Security Interests of SSU and Interpol and Europol Department of the National Police participated in the operations. The law enforcement officers established that the dealer is involved in withdrawal of more than 510 million hryvnias from one banking institution.

Together with his associates, he also embezzled 35 million hryvnias of NBU refinancing, SSU reports.

The officers of special agencies documented that the perpetrator “concluded some fraudulent deals, according to which the institution became insolvent”. After declaring the bank insolvent, the Individuals’ Deposit Insurance Fund made settlements with depositors at the expense of budgetary funds, amounting to 540 million hryvnias.

The dealer was put on a wanted list, for more than 3 years he fleed from pretrial investigation authorities. Jointly with border guards, SSSU officers apprehended him at the border crossing checkpoint Goptovka in Kharkiv region, while he attempted to leave for Russia with the passport of RF citizen. The court selected detention as a restraint measure. The pretrial investigation is continuing.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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