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Groisman Hints Naftogaz at Abuse of Monopoly

Wednesday, 20 September 2017 17:30

Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman considers that Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC should be demonopolized, and before that, it should abstain from attempts to impact prices, he said at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 20, EP reports.

“The monopolies always attempt to use its position to groundlessly increase prices, increase expenses. I will not let that any monopoly groundlessly adjusted gas prices in our country”, he said.

Groisman pushed for proceeding with reforming Naftogaz and conducting NJSC’s unbundling, dividing the gas transportation and storage, extraction and sale, in order to demonopolize “the monopolist, who can dictate any rules on the oil and gas market today”.

“I guarantee that the reforms on the oil and gas market will be accelerated so that Naftogaz will be a modern quality company, in which the proper principles of corporate governance will be implemented, but not a sole monopolist in the country”, the head of government emphasized.

“We will change the supervisory board, make it together with our international partners publicly, in order to attract maximally qualitative personnel to the supervisory board for continuing this very important and systemic reform”, Groisman added.

It should be reminded that on September 19, the independent members of the supervisory board of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC Paul Warwick and Marcus Richards decided to resign.

In early September, Charles Proctor reported that he will resign on September 30.

On April 3, Kovaliv filed application on termination of its authorities as the member of the supervisory board of the company by her own volition.

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