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In Exchange for IMF Tranche Ukraine Should Conduct More Privatization and Create Anticorruption Court

Monday, 09 October 2017 16:47

The National Bank recognizes that except for adoption of the pension reform, the privatization and creation of anti-corruption court are the additional requirements to Ukraine for provision of the next tranche by the International Monetary Fund, NBU’s Deputy Governor Ekaterina Rozhkova said during the interview with Radio Vesti on October 7, Ukrainian News reports.

“The conditions (for obtaining the next tranche) were not only the pension reform, but also the privatization and anticorruption court. Mission (IMF’s Technical Mission) expressed optimism regarding adoption of the pension reform. Now, they left; they will consult. The annual meeting of IMF member countries will start next week. I think the issues of prospects and deadlines will be raised there”, she said.

Rozhkova reported that recently, IMF’s technical mission on the financial sector worked in Ukraine.

“The technical mission on the financial sector worked with us; we worked through all the issues, which we have in IMF memorandum. What concerns the financial sector, the mission does not have questions. The Mission highly assessed the works performed, because we have large changes in the banking supervision”, NBU’s Deputy Governor noted.

According to her, currently, the World Bank mission is also working. It deals with state banks and NPL (non-performing loans).

As Ukrainian News reports, the National Bank anticipates IMF tranche, amounting to 2 bln dollars, and 600 mln euros from the European Commission until the end of 2017.

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