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Tigipko Will Merge VS Bank and TAScombank

Tuesday, 24 October 2017 16:29

After purchasing Lviv’s VS Bank, the businessperson Sergei Tigipko plans to merge it with Kyiv’s TAScombank, he told during the Ukrainian Banking Forum CIS Bankers, which was held in Kyiv on October 19-20, Ukrainian News reports.

Tigipko told that last year, TAScombank increased by 114%, while this year, the growth in assets is already ensured for 70%.

“We will grow. I hope that after purchasing VS Bank, we will achieve 100% growth per year again… I hope that we will conclude the deal with VS Bank; we want to merge it with TAScombank, we undertook such obligations. It will allow us to significantly reduce the number of branch banks. Taking into account that now we have technologies, we still do not see any alternative on liabilities. That is why we will keep and merge all the branch banks of VS Bank”, Sergei Tigipko told.

He told that his group is interested in purchasing the non-performing loans, except for the purchase of banks.

According to the businessperson, it is important to ensure the respective amount of assets in order to achieve investments in technologies.

According to him, the bank priorities include further integration with other companies, operating with a banking group.

It should be reminded that the antimonopoly committee permitted Sergei Tigipko to directly purchase stakes of VS Bank PJSC.  

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